Tags: Palestine
She said my home was in Gaza
But people took me away,
They took away my toys,
And they clashed around until there was nothing anymore.
Occupier-Occupied, not two equal sides
This entanglement between settler colonialism and imperialism has been exposed by non-stop protests worldwide. More recently, the brave and impactful university and college encampments in North America and Europe have made at least one thing clear: the war on Palestine does not consist of two equal sides, occupier-occupied.
PH groups commemorate ‘Nakba’ in support of Palestine
During the protest, Filipino activists decried that the Philippines is next only to India in terms of purchases of armaments from Israel amounting to billions. Last year alone, a $114 million contract between the Philippines and the Israeli government was forged for refurbishing two planes for intelligence gathering. Such contracts, the group said, help fund Israel’s genocidal wars against the Palestinian people.
Defend Jodi Dean: Fight the Ban, Free Palestine!
Clearly, the Hobart and William Smith Colleges teaching ban on Jodi Dean is a symptom of a broader and systematic assault on the freedom of association through US Counterinsurgency.
At UN event, women activists want Palestine free
Women activists gathered in front of the United Nations Headquarters in New York City on March 21, 2024 to express their support for Palestine.
Progressives commemorate Filipino-American war, call for a stop to US military intervention
Filipino activists marked the 125th anniversary of the Filipino-American War with a protest against the expansion of US military bases and the US role in genocide in Palestine, Feb. 4.
‘Prevent acts of Genocide in Gaza,’ int’l court tells Israel
“This is a landmark ruling, though short of an actual ceasefire order, that places the burden on Israel and the entire world, to ensure that genocide is not committed.”
South Africa slams Israel at ICJ for genocidal acts
“Genocides are never declared in advance but this court has the benefit of the past 13 weeks of evidence that shows, incontrovertibly, a pattern of conduct and related intention that justifies a plausible claim of genocidal acts.
Balik-Tanaw | Still God’s love is everlasting
The readings for this last Sunday of Advent are full of “messianic expectation”. They exude a hope and trust which has endured through occupation and exile and grown stronger in persecution. It is a hope centred on the key promise of God given to David, that David’s house and his kingdom would be established forever (2 Sam.7:16). After the Exile, the people longed for another David, the shepherd boy anointed by God who became a great warrior, defeated enemies in battle and united the 12 tribes around Jerusalem. With the defeat of the Davidic dynasty the people asked where was God’s promise? We see the struggle of the community with this dilemma in the Royal Psalms. Psalm 89 begins praising God’s steadfast love and faithfulness to all generations but this trust in God is being tested as the psalmist laments “where is thy steadfast love of old, which by thy faithfulness thou did swear to David” (v49).